Emma Mitrotta

Environmental Law Consultant


Works well in challenging, fast-paced, high-stress and deadline-oriented environments individually or as part of a team. Creative, committed and reliable person with strong oral and written communication skills. Excellent written and spoken Italian, English and Spanish skills. Good knowledge of French.

Professional achievements: research and work on international and comparative environmental law and policy, project management, networking, and organization of events.

Areas of interest: transboundary biodiversity governance, environmental protection and ecosystem management, public participation in environmental matters, climate change, human rights, and local sustainable development.

Work Experience

  • 2021/11 - present
    • European Projects Officer
    • Autonomous Province of Trento, Servizio minoranze linguistiche e audit europeo, Italy
      • Activities related to the implementation of the EU Strategy for the Alpine Region and to the EUSALP Italian Presidency 2022. Support in the coordination of EUSALP Action Group 3 on labor market, education and training. Project management linked to the activities of Action Group 3 in the framework of projects funded by the Interreg-Alpine Space Programme. Preparation of documents and meetings of EUSALP governing bodies, and participation in these meetings. Direct involvement in the organization of events connected to the Presidency, including the concluding Annual Forum. Maintaining relations with EUSALP stakeholders.

  • 2022/05 - 2022/10 (5 months)
    • Researcher
    • EURAC Research, Institute for Comparative Federalism, Bolzano, Italy
      • Contribution to the development of the TRANSNATURE project proposal (now funded by the Biodiversa+ 2021 Call). Participation in international conferences discussing the role of non-state actors in addressing the challenges of biodiversity loss and global warming.

  • 2019/02 - 2021/02 (2 years)
    • European Projects Officer
    • Agenzia del Lavoro, Autonomous Province of Trento, Italy
      • Activities related to the EU-funded project "Master parenting in work and life" (MASP): project management, financial and content reporting, maintaining relations with partners, developing project activities with local stakeholders.

  • 2019/07 - 2020/03 (8 months)
    • Research Assistant
    • School of International Studies, University of Trento, Italy
      • Socio-legal research on the role of local actors and their participation in international law regimes, with a focus on environmental governance and human rights. Support in editing a book manuscript and drafting research projects. Institutional contacts and observation of the participatory process linked to the development of the "Strategia Provinciale per lo Sviluppo Sostenibile" by the Autonomous Province of Trento.

  • 2018/03 - 2018/06 (3 months)
    • Intern
    • OECD Trento Centre for Local Development, Trento, Italy
      • Assistance in the implementation of both the ADRION Project, focusing on European Territorial Cooperation and the EU Strategy for the Adriatic-Ionian Region, and the Inner Areas Project, dealing with integrated local development strategies for sparsely populated areas and stranded communities. Contribution to the analytical work of the OECD Trento Centre on local development, spatial productivity and capacity building. Support in project management and editing of OECD documents in English, Spanish and Italian.

  • 2018/02 - present
    • Expert ("Cultore della Materia") in International Law and International Environmental Law
    • Faculty of Law, University of Trento, Italy

  • 2015/09 - 2016/02 (5 months)
    • Teaching Assistant
    • School of International Studies, University of Trento, Italy
      • Course: Elements of International and European Union Law.

  • 2016/01 - 2016/05 (4 months)
    • Freelance Legal Consultant
    • Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU), London, UK
      • Research on Italian legislation and policies on distaster risk reduction and management as a contribution to an EIU study.

  • 2013/06 - 2015/09 (2 years 3 months)
    • Researcher
    • EURAC Research, Bolzano, Italy
      • Study of the allocation of environmental compentencies in the Italian legal system for the development of reports and scientific publications.
      • Research Project "Low Carbon South East Europe": contribution to the development of project activities and outputs; compilation of guidelines on Member States obligations deriving from the EU 2020 climate and energy package; drafting of the Italian implementation plan for transferring EU climate change legislation.
      • Research Project "BioREGIO Carpathians - Integrated Management of Biological and Landscape Diversity for Sustainable Regional Development and Ecological Connectivity in the Carpathians": support in formatting and reviewing a publication; editing national reports concerning the institutional framework and legislation affecting biodiversity and ecological connectivity in the Carpathian countries.

  • 2011/06 - 2012/12 (1 year 6 months)
    • Legal Consultant
    • International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), Environmental Law Centre, Bonn, Germany
      • Analysis of institutional, normative and political frameworks of transboundary basins and study of water management related issues (climate change adaptation, groundwater resources, desertification, local communities' management and resilience practices, etc.).
      • Research on national and international environmental law and policies. Participation and organization of international conferences and events. Content development, proofreading and editing of books, articles, posters, PPT presentations, project proposals and other documents relevant to multiple tasks.
      • Content development of a website on water governance and law, technical advice on specific questions related to legal and institutional aspects of the protection and management of water resources.

  • 2010/10 - 2011/03 (6 months)
    • Project Assistant
    • ICLEI Local Governments for Sustainability, Brussels Office, Brussels, Belgium
      • Activities related to the representation of the ICLEI European Secretariat in Brussels, participation in multiple events and networking. Development of case studies and other documents; support in organising events and developing project activities.


  • 2014/11 - 2019/06
    • PhD in International Studies cum laude
    • University of Trento, School of International Studies, Italy
      • Field: International Environmental Law. Thesis: "Decentralised International Cooperation: Enhancing Conservation and Sustainable Management of Transboundary Natural Resources"
      • Research on cross-border cooperation over transboundary natural resources involving local communities and sub-national governments in Europe and southern Africa. Fieldwork in Botswana, Mozambique, and South Africa for the collection of first hand information and data. Interviews with local and regional stakeholders in Europe and southern Africa for the development of case studies. Socio-legal research skills. Participation in international conferences and meetings.

  • 2016/10 - 2016/12
    • Visiting PhD Student
    • North West University, Faculty of Law, Potchefstroom Campus, South Africa
      • Research on decentralised cross-border cooperation over transboundary natural resources in the southern African region and fieldwork in Botswana, Mozambique and South Africa. Focus on the Kavango-Zambesi Transfrontier Conservation Area and the Great Limpopo Transfrontier Conservation Area.

  • 2006/09 - 2009/06
    • Master's Degree, European and International Studies, Law Track
    • University of Trento, School of International Studies, Italy
      • Interdisciplinary competence in law, economics, history and political science. Thesis: "International Environmental Law on The Protection of the Environment during Armed Conflicts", final mark: 110/110.

  • 2002/09 - 2006/04
    • Bachelor's Degree, Law
    • Faculty of Law, University of Salento, Italy
      • Courses in Public, Private and Procedural Law subjects, Poltical Economics, EU History and Law, Internationl Law and Economics, International Relations. Thesis: "The value of Legal Precedents in the relations between the (Italian) Constitutional Court and the (Italian) Court of Cassation", final mark: 106/110.

  • 2019/02
    • Course on European Project Management: Programmes, Strategies and Instruments
    • University of Trento, Jean Monnet Centre, Italy

  • 2014/11
    • Course on Learning Policy Advice: EU Enlargement Policy, Rule of Law, Western Balkans, Policy Advice - Simulation Exercise
    • University of Trento, School of International Studies, Italy

Academic Publications

  • Mitrotta, E., Decentralised International Cooperation: Enhancing Conservation and Sustainable Management of Transboundary Natural Resources, PhD Theses, University of Trento 2019, available at http://eprints-phd.biblio.unitn.it/3706/

  • Mitrotta, E., Il Gruppo europeo di cooperazione territoriale (GECT) e la sua funzionalità come strumento di cooperazione transfrontaliera in materia ambientale, in Rivista Giuridica dell’Ambiente, Vol. 2(2016), 385-396.

  • Cittadino, F. and Mitrotta, E., The Case of Biodiversity Protection, in Peters, B. and Lohse, E. (eds.), Sustainability through Participation?: Perspective from National, European and International Law, Brill, June 2023 (forthcoming), ISBN: 978-90-04-50938-2.

  • Alberton, M., Cittadino, F. and Mitrotta, E., La tutela dell’ambiente: la prevenzione delle alluvioni e la qualità dell’aria, in Obwexer, W., Happacher, E. and Zwilling, C. (eds.), EU-Mitgliedschaft und Südtirols Autonomie: Die Auswirkungen der EU-Mitgliedschaft auf die Autonomie des Landes Südtirol am Beispiel ausgewählter Gesetzgebungs- und Verwaltungskompetenzen, Verlag Österreich, 2019.

  • Mitrotta, E., Strengthening Conservation through Participation: Procedural Environmental Rights of Local Communities in Transboundary Protected Areas, in Jendroska, J. Bar, M. (eds.), Procedural Environmental Rights: Principle X in Theory and Practice, Intersentia, 2018, 363-386. DOI

  • Bisello, A., Domorenok, E., Lumicisi, A., Mitrotta, E. and Vettorato, D., Le politiche energetiche e climatiche dell’Alto Adige nello scenario europeo, in Politika 15, 2015, 228-263.

  • Mitrotta, E., Convention on Biodiversity, in Romaniuk S., Thapa M. and Marton, P. (eds.), The Palgrave Encyclopedia of Global Security Studies, Palgrave Macmillan, Cham, 2020. DOI

  • Mitrotta, E., Rio Declaration on Environment and Development, in Romaniuk S., Thapa M. and Marton, P. (eds.), The Palgrave Encyclopedia of Global Security Studies, Palgrave Macmillan, Cham, 2020. DOI

  • Mitrotta, E., Review of Cittadino, F., Incorporating Indigenous Rights in the International Regime on Biodiversity Protection: Access, Benefit-Sharing and Conservation in Indigenous Lands, Brill Nijhoff, 2019, in Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law, 14 February 2021. DOI

  • Mitrotta, E., Review of Kotzé, L.J. and Marahun, T. (eds.), Transboundary Governance of Biodiversity, Brill, 2014, in Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law Vol. 25 No. 2, 2016, 268-269.

Professional Publications

  • The Economist Intelligence Unit, Towards disaster-risk sensitive investments: The Disaster Risk Integrated Operational Risk Model, London, 2016 (contribution to the development of the Italian case study).

  • Alberton, A. and Mitrotta, E., in Zurbayeva, A. (ed.), Guidelines for the Coordinated Transfer of EU Legislation in the Field of Climate Change, LocSEE Project, EURAC, 2014.

  • Mitrotta, E., Italian Implementation Plan for Transferring EU Legislation in the Field of Climate Change, LocSEE Project, EURAC, 2014.

  • Mitrotta, E., Melbourne: The city as a catchment approach, in SWITCH Training Kit - Case Studies, ICLEI, 2011.

  • Defranceschi, P. and Mitrotta, E., How to organize sustainable meetings and events in Brussels: A practical guide ICLEI, 2011.


  • The Role of Non-State Actors in Addressing the Challenges of Biodiversity Loss and Global Warming: Avenues for a Systemic Change in Global Environmental Governance, 2022 Oslo International Environmental Law Conference, Oslo (NO), 3-6 October 2022. Contributors: Cittadino F. and Mitrotta E.

  • The Role of Non-State Actors in Addressing the Challenges of Biodiversity Loss and Global Warming: Avenues for a Systemic Change in Global Environmental Governance, IUCN Academy of Environmental Law 19th Annual Colloquium - Reimagining Environmental Law, Brisbane (AUS), 11-15 July 2022. Contributors: Cittadino F. and Mitrotta E.

  • Decentralised International Cooperation: Rescaling Transboundary Environmental Governance through Local Community Participation, Coordinamento Universitario per la Cooperazione allo Sviluppo (CUCS) - VI Congresso , Trento (IT), 19-21 September 2019.

  • Decentralised International Cooperation: Rescaling Governance over Transboundary Natural Resources in Europe, IUCN Academy of Environmental Law Colloquium, Glasgow (UK), 4-6 July 2018.

  • Decentralised Internationl Cooperation: Enhancing Conservation and Sustainable Management of Transboundary Natural Resources, V Postgraduate Colloquium, Strathclyde Centre for Environmental Law and Governance, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow (UK), 4 May 2017.

  • Decentralised International Cooperation: Enhancing Conservation and Management of Shared Natural Resources in Transboundary Protected Areas, Guest Seminar, North-West University, Potchefstroom (South Africa), 22 November 2016.

  • Decentralised International Cooperation: The Role of Sub-National Actors in Transboundary Biodiversity Governance, South African Environmental Law Association Annual Conference, Johannesburg (South Africa), 30 September 2016.

  • Procedural Environmental Rights of Local Communities in Transboundary Protected Areas: How to strengthen Transboundary Biodiversity Governance, European Environmental Law Forum Annual Conference, Wroclaw (Poland), 14-16 September 2016.

  • The EU Climate Change Acquis relevant to the Balkans, joint event sponsored by the European projects ALTERENERGY and LocSEE Voluntary tools and networking for the EU low carbon agenda, Bari (Italy), 9 September 2014.

  • Coordinated Transfer of EU Climate Legislation, LocSEE International Conference Transferring EU Legislation on Climate Change & Developing Low Carbon Policies, Zagreb (Croatia), 21 March 2014.

  • Strengthening Water Governance Capacity for Transboundary Aquifers, UNESCO - ISARM 2010 Transboundary Aquifers: Challenges and New Directions, Paris (France), 6-8 December 2010.


  • The Micro-Basin Committee: An Effective Institutional Solution to Strengthen Water Governance, IWRM Conference Management of Water in a Changing World: Lessons Learnt and Innovative Perspectives, Dresden (Germany), 12-13 October 2011.

Language Certifications

  • 2005
    • Diploma of Spanish as a Foreign Language (DELE)
    • Cervantes Institute
      • Level: C2

  • 2013
    • International English Language Testing System (IELTS)
    • British Council
      • Score: 7.5

Computer Skills

  • Windows, MacOS, Office, Mendley, Moodle, Drupal